FASH 2023 / 29. November 2023
European Fashion Award FASH 2023
Drei junge Talente wurden im Rahmen der ISPO Munich mit dem European Fashion Award FASH 2023 ausgezeichnet. Die Preisträgerin und Preisträger erhielten die begehrten Auszeichnungen am 29. November 2023 vor einem Fachpublikum aus Design, Lehre, Medien und der Münchner Kreativwirtschaft. Der FASH Award zählt international zu den wichtigsten Förderpreisen für Modestudierende. Der Preis wird von der gemeinnützigen Stiftung der Deutschen Bekleidungsindustrie, kurz SDBI getragen. Die 1978 gegründete SDBI ist die weltweit älteste Organisation zur Förderung von Modestudierenden.
Die Preisträger
1. Preis Studierende: Stefan Uhr, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
1.000 Euro Preisgeld
1. Preis: Bachelor: Niclas Hasemann, Hochschule Pforzheim,
2.000 Euro Preisgeld
1. Preis: Master: Luting Chen, London College of Fashion,
2.000 Euro Preisgeld
Internationale Jury
Eine Jury aus international erfahrenen Expertinnen und Experten hat in zwei Runden anhand festgelegter Kriterien die Preisträgerin und Preisträger des European Fashion Award FASH 2023 ermittelt. Dabei wurde deutlich, dass der starke Einbruch während der Pandemie überwunden ist und die Arbeiten wieder deutlich an Kraft gewonnen haben.
Die Mitglieder der Jury:
Mela Bauer, Geschäftsführerin der Modeagentur Melagence
August Bard Bringéus, Gründer, Asket, Stockholm
Katherina Deeken, Geschäftsführerin DEEKEN HR
Joel Horwitz, Design Director, Fila Europe
Dr. Olaf Kranz, Leiter Kompetenzteam Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft, München
Joachim Schirrmacher, Creative Consultant
Mode mit Relevanz
Mit der Rückkehr zum ursprünglichen Selbst setzten sich zwei Kollektionen auseinander.
Stefan Uhr will in seiner Studienarbeit „Atra Vena – An Image Rehearsal Therapy“ die Kontrolle über seine Träume und sein Leben zurückgewinnen, Niclas Hasemann plädiert in seiner Bachelorarbeit „Wunderheiler“ für mehr Empathie und Gemeinschaft in unserer Gesellschaft. Luting Chen hat in ihrer Masterarbeit ein Größensystem entwickelt, mit dem Kleidung flexibel an die sich verändernden Körpermaße von Männern unterschiedlichen Alters angepasst werden kann.
Stefan Uhr
1. Preis European Fashion Award – FASH 2023
Kategorie Studierende
5. Semester – Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin / Frauke Buschmeyer
mail@stefanuhr.com / @stefanuhr
Atra Vena – An Image Rehearsal Therapy
Stefan Uhr hat sich in seinen bisherigen Kollektionen mit der Rückkehr zum ursprünglichen Selbst beschäftigt. So auch in der Kollektion „Atra Vena – An Image Rehearsal Therapy“.
Die Kollektion verarbeitet die Angst, dass aufgrund einer Fettstoffwechselerkrankung die Adern nach und nach verstopfen und das Herz eines Tages aufhört zu schlagen. Mit der „Imagery Rehearsal Therapy“ werden die für den Träumenden belastenden Szenen bewusst wahrgenommen, gestrichen und durch Positives ersetzt. Im Fall von Stefan Uhr dient die Umsetzung in Textilien dazu, dem Träumenden die Angst zu nehmen und die Kontrolle über seine Träume und sein Leben zurückzugewinnen.
Niclas Hasemann
1. Preis European Fashion Award – FASH 2023
Kategorie Bachelor
Hochschule Pforzheim / Prof. Johann Stockhammer
niclas-hasemann@gmx.de / @nic.hase.nic
Inspiriert vom Werk der Philosophin Simone Weil erkunden die Kollektion und der Film „Wunderheiler“ die Begriffe Rationalität, Spiritualität und die Räume dazwischen. Das Projekt ist eine sanfte Einladung, sich auf vielfältigere Formen des Wissens einzulassen. Die Akzeptanz der eigenen Fehlbarkeit ist ein erster Schritt auf dem Weg zu mehr Empathie und Gemeinschaft – Voraussetzungen für die Heilung der individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Krankheiten unserer Zeit. Schließlich hängt die Menschlichkeit eines jeden von der Menschlichkeit der anderen ab. Handwerkliche Techniken wie Handweben, Drucken oder die traditionelle Färbemethode Kakishibu werden behutsam eingesetzt und geben Impulse, sich auf das Ungewisse einzulassen.
Luting Chen
1. Preis European Fashion Award – FASH 2023
Kategorie Master
Master – London College of Fashion / Darren Cabon
lutingchen0322@gmail.com / @lutin.chen
Luting Chen hat ein neues flexibles Größensystem für Männermode entwickelt. Damit kann ein Kleidungsstück flexibel an die sich verändernden Körpermaße von Männern unterschiedlichen Alters angepasst werden. Ziel ist es, die Mode inklusiver und nachhaltiger zu machen, ihre Lebensdauer zu verlängern und die Abfallmenge in der Modeindustrie aufgrund falscher Größen zu reduzieren.
Grundlage sind Studien über die Entwicklung der Körperform und der Fettverteilung bei Männern im Alter von 25 bis 84 Jahren. Insbesondere der Brust- und Taillenumfang von Männern So variiert je nach Alter erheblich. Für die wichtigsten Kategorien der Herrenbekleidung wie Anzüge, Hosen und Hemden werden Lösungen wie Falten und Abnäher oder Hosen mit verstellbarem Bund vorgeschlagen.
Der European Fashion Award FASH
Der European Fashion Award FASH zählt zu den international bedeutendsten Förderpreisen für Modestudierende. Sein Ziel ist es, den Designnachwuchs zu fördern und an Wirtschaft und Industrie heranzuführen. Ausgelobt wird der European Fashion Award FASH von der gemeinnützigen Stiftung der Deutschen Bekleidungsindustrie, kurz SDBI. Die 1978 gegründete SDBI ist die weltweit älteste Organisation zur Förderung von Modestudenten.
Partner – Von Designern für Designer
Der European Fashion Award FASH wird getragen von der Messe München, ISPO Munich. Weitere Partner sind Formes (Mannequins) und Die Gastfreundin (Catering).
Vor allem aber lebt der FASH von privatem Engagement: sei es in der Jury, in der Organisation oder durch großzügige Spenden. So wird der Nachwuchspreis für junge Kreative maßgeblich von erfahrenen Kreativen getragen.
Joachim Schirrmacher
European Fashion Award FASH
Direktor/Vorsitzender des Beirats SBDI
+49 30 544 850 60
FASH 2023 / 24. May 2023
European Fashion Award FASH 2023
The European Fashion Award FASH 2023 returns to the foundation’s headquarters in Munich, where it was established in 1978 and awarded until 2013.
The deadline for applications is now mid-July, the award ceremony will take place at the end of November at ISPO Munich, which has been the major supporter of the work of the European Fashion Award FASH since 2004. More
FASH 2022 / 8. September 2022
European Fashion Award FASH 2022 presented at Berlin Fashion Week
Three young fashion designers – one student and two graduates – were honoured with the European Fashion Award FASH 2022 during Berlin Fashion Week. The award, which is endowed with 5,000 euros, was presented together with a fashion show for the first time during the Neo Fashion Graduates Days in the Reinbeckhallen in Berlin-Oberschöneweide in front of over 300 guests.
Announcement FASH 2022 / 16. May 2022
European Fashion Award FASH 2022
New fashion from old clothes. That, in short, is the task for the European Fashion Award FASH 2022, whose topic is ‘Re:Create Fashion’. For the first time, it is not seeking out new fashion designs; instead, the aim is to produce a new creative look out of old garments. The competition is open to exceptionally gifted students across the whole of Europe and carries prizes to the value of €5000. It is in line with the textile strategy of the European Commission. More
FASH 2019 – Finalist / 5. July 2021
European Fashion Award FASH presented at Frankfurt Fashion Week
European Fashion Award FASH presented at Frankfurt Fashion Week
FASH 2020 / 30. March 2020
European Fashion Award FASH 2020
As a small sign of hope and trust in the power of creativity, the European Fashion Award FASH will also be presented this year. There are, of course, more important tasks at the moment. This is why we cordially invite those who have the time to participate in FASH 2020. In this way, we will be enabled to honour the works created last year and to have an exchange take place.
If necessary, the announcements and events will be adapted to the needs of the pandemic, even if we will have to resort to a purely digital realization in the end.
FASH 2019 – Finalist / 14. June 2019
Finalists FASH 2019
The finalists of the European Fashion Award FASH 2019 with the special award for fashion photography have been selected. The prizes will be awarded on July 1st, 2019 in the Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin (Museum for Centopary Art).
FASH 2019 Photo / 8. May 2019
Special Award Fashion Photography
The European Fashion Award FASH, in cooperation with the Kunstbibliothek of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Art Library of the National Museums in Berlin), announces the special award European Fashion Award FASH 2019 – Photo. We are looking for fashion photographs of the highest artistic and technical standards that reflect our time with expressive images.
Students of photography from the 4th semester onwards from all over Europe can apply. More
FASH 2018 / 16. June 2018
The Partners of the European Fashion Award FASH 2018
The European Fashion Award FASH is supported by Messe München, ISPO Munich. Additional partners are BRLO (Craft Beer), Carroux Caffee, Hering Berlin (trophies), pieperconcept (hangers), Pentherformes Group (mannequins), Raw Studios (location), Vitra (furniture) and Die Gasttfreundin (catering).
The award was also supported by the experts: Katherina Deeken, Managing Director deeken HR; Heiko Desens, Creative Director Sport Style, Puma; Juergen Gessler, Managing Director Strenesse; Gregor Hohenberg, fashion photographer (Achtung, Elle, GQ, Vogue); Joel Horwitz, Senior Designer (Adidas, J. Lindeberg, zLabels); Kristian Sidenius Lenz, Head of HR, Closed; Stephan Meyer, Style Director (AD – Architectural Digest, Harper’s Bazaar, Icon, GQ); Eric Maj Potocnik, make-up artist; Sandra Semburg, Streetstyle photographer (P&C, Veronika Heilbrunner, Vogue Paris, Zara); Joachim Schirrmacher, Creative Consultant; Adrian Sommerauer, Senior Designer Dorothee Schumacher; Andrea Unterberger, Head of the Design Studio, Akris and Emma Marita Westergaard, Senior Designer (Adidas, Jack & Jones, zLabels).
Web: www.sdbi.de/download/partner-web.zip
Print: www.sdbi.de/download/partner-print.zip
Media Release / 25. May 2018
Finalists of the European Fashion Award FASH 2018
The finalists for the European Fashion Award FASH 2018 have been selected. The prizes will be awarded on June 16, 2018. Attendance at the award ceremony is by invitation only. More
(Deutsch) FASH 2018 / 18. April 2018
New concept – European Fashion Award FASH 2018
Networking, feedback and the exchange with the jury will be will be from this year on the focus of the worldwide European Fashion Award FASH. FASH is one of the most important international awards for fashion students. The Deadline for applications is May 10th, 2018. More
Fash 2017 / 3. July 2017
The Partners of the European Fashion Award FASH 2017
The European Fashion Award FASH is supported by Messe München, the Confederation of the German Textile and Fashion Industry, and WallDecaux. Additional European Fashion Award FASH 2017 partners: National Museums Berlin, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), German Design Council, Joachim Schirrmacher (creative consultant), Franco P Tettamanti (fashion photography), Bueronardin (graphic design), Arne Eberle (Public Relations), Pentherformes Group (mannequins), Wedo Sales (info displays), Strenesse (apparel), Hering Berlin (trophies), Vitra (furniture), Harp (consultancy), La Maison (consultancy), NH Collection Berlin Friedrichstrasse (hotel), Die Gastfreundin (catering), and VDP. Die Prädikatsweingüter.
FASH 2017 / 3. July 2017
Now is the time to come together
Honorific Speech at the European Fashion Award FASH 2017 by Minister of State for Europe Michael Roth MdB
FASH 2017 / 9. June 2017
The Winners of the European Fashion Award FASH 2017
The winners of the European Fashion Award FASH 2017 have now been selected. The awards will be announced during a ceremony at Berlin’s Bode Museum on July 3, 2017, the day before the Berlin Fashion Week. The honorific speech will be given by the German Minister of State for Europe at the Federal Foreign Office Michael Roth. Attendance at the award ceremony is by invitation only.
Circle of Friends / 22. June 2016
SDBI partners with the Textile+Fashion Confederation
textil+mode, the German Textile+Fashion Confederation, has joined the SDBI – Stiftung der Deutschen Bekleidungsindustrie (German Fashion Industry Foundation) Circle of Friends as its newest member. The Confederation’s intellectual and financial support for the SDBI’s non-profit work has been vital in enabling the European Fashion Award FASH 2016, which takes place at Berlin’s Neues Museum on June 27. More
FASH 2015 / 6. July 2015
European Fashion Award FASH 2015 Presented To Six Young Designers. 10 Years European Fashion Award.
Six young up and coming design students and graduates received the European Fashion Award FASH 2015 during the kick-off for the Berlin Fashion Week. On Monday evening, witnessed by 250 invited guests, the non-profit Stiftung der Deutschen Bekleidungsindustrie (German Fashion Industry Foundation), in short SDBI, presented the awards valued at a total of 80,000 Euro at the impressive Neue Museum (New Museum) in Berlin, one of UNESCO’s world heritage sites. More
European Fashion Award FASH 2015 / 12. June 2015
Award Ceremony European Fashion Award FASH 2015 on the Occasion of Berlin Fashion Week
Exhibition and Award Ceremony of the European Fashion Award FASH 2015 on the occasion of Berlin Fashion Week. The award purse totals 80,000 Euro. The presentation takes place in the impressive premises of Neues Museum, part of the World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Winners European Fashion Award FASH 2015
Tomasz Szadel, Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee
Lukas Fischer, FH Bielefeld
Julia Kleeblatt, Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle
Kai Gerhardt, Universität der Künste Berlin
Lilly Bosse, Hochschule für Künste Bremen
Ulf Brauner, Universität der Künste Berlin
Monday, July 6th, 2015, 5.30 – 7.30 pm
Neues Museum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Museumsinsel Berlin
10178 Berlin / Mitte
The European Fashion Award FASH is considered one of the most important international endorsement awards for fashion students. It is an annual competition by the not-for-profit Stiftung der Deutschen Bekleidungsindustrie (German Fashion Industry Foundation), in short SDBI. Klaus Steilmann, at the time Europe’s largest manufacturer of women’s fashion, founded SDBI in 1978.www.sdbi.de
European Fashion Award FASH 2016 / 20. May 2015
We are on the eve of a new era. The European Fashion Award FASH 2016 with the subject “Change” is searching for visions of a new era.
Wars, conflicts and catastrophes are not the only issues that change the way we view our world. There is no question: Digitalisation and globalisation enhance and facilitate our life, yet they also have a fundamental impact on the world. Smartphones make every networking attempt of the past look like a simple prelude. The start-up culture, shareconomy, co-creation, crowdsourcing and swapping, as well as the disruptive business models of international investors have created a completely new kind of economy. Hardly any industry remains unaffected by this change.
How can fashion react to all these changes? Should there be more adaptation, subversive strategies, or should we dream completely new dreams? Who will ride the wave of change and claim the future? More
FASH 2015 / 20. November 2014
The Winners of The European Fashion Award FASH 2015
The Winners of The European Fashion Award FASH 2015 were selected.
The awards will be announced in 2015.
European Fashion Award FASH 2015 / 3. July 2014
Fashion as the expression of attitude: whether social utopia, poetic symbol of protest or escape from the everyday – freedom has many different dimensions. On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, the European Fashion Award FASH 2015 is looking for fashion designs with the theme of “Freedom”. More
FASH 2014 / 13. January 2014
Presentation of The European Fashion Award FASH 2014 by SDBI for the First Time during Berlin Fashion Week
Kicking off the Berlin Fashion Week, today nine students and graduates were honored with the European Fashion Award FASH 2014. The award is managed by the non-profit SDBI – Stiftung der Deutschen Bekleidungsindustrie (German Fashion Industry Foundation) . 250 guests from the retail sector, agencies, higher education, government as well as managers and designers of leading companies from Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, Estonia, France, Japan, Lithuania, Sweden and Switzerland took part in the ceremony. More
FASH 2014 / 13. January 2014
“I have been observing the work of SDBi since its beginnings and in particular since my involvement with the jury in 2011. The evident genuine interest in new international creative talent was always the core value of the SDBI. This makes it inspirational for creatives, jury members and associates alike. Further support for future projects is vital and beneficial for both the industry and the young talent in order to further connect on a continuous basis and prepare for the tough challenges ahead.”
Torsten Hochstetter, Global Creative Director, Puma
“Visions, creativity and passion are the components with which SDBI sets sustainable signals for the future of the otherwise fast-moving fashion world.”
Laudation “Germany – Land of Ideas”
“The European Fashion Award FASH is neither a local project nor a faceless global story. SDBI does not only focus on beauty but also looks at the concept behind the fashion. We share this requirement for quality, combined with an international appeal.”
Daniel and Markus Freitag, Founders and Creative Directors FREITAG.
FASH 2014 / 11. December 2013
The Winners of The European Fashion Award FASH 2014
The winners of the European Fashion Award FASH 2014 have been selected. They will receive their awards on Monday, January 13, 2014, on the occasion of the Berlin Fashion Week. Following a presentation of the six winning collections the jury will announce the individual awards. More
FASH 2014 / 10. September 2013
Swiss Textile Federation supports the European Fashion Award FASH 2014
The Swiss Textile Federation (Textilverband Schweiz) supports the European Fashion Award FASH 2014 with textile vouchers valued 5,000 Swiss Francs (4.000 Euro). “We are happy to support the European Fashion Award FASH 2014 with innovative materials produced by our members, because we are impressed and captivated by the professional character of the award as well as the creative excellence and high skill level of the award winners. This is not just an award for products, but an evaluation of everything from research, concept, tailoring, to presentation,” says Peter Flückiger, Director of the Swiss Textile Federation.
FASH 2014 / 6. September 2013
Stephan Meyer as Member of the Jury
We gained yet another member of the Jury of the European Fashion Award FASH 2014, Stephan Meyer. Stephan Meyer is Creative Director of the German edition of Harpers Bazaar, which was just published for the first time a few days ago. Meyer, considered one of Germany’s foremost style experts, has plenty of experience in the sector of men’s and women’s fashions, as well as interior design. He has worked for magazines including GQ, Park Avenue or Architectural Digest. He was also responsible for the styling for the photos shot of the winning collection of the European Fashion Award FASH 2013. “I am really looking forward to the jury meeting and working with the winners. My own time at fashion design school is still fresh in my mind,” Stephan Meyer comments.
SDBI Circle of Friends / 30. July 2013
Self-Confidence Is Important
Daniel and Markus Freitag on their involvement in the European Fashion Award FASH, their beginning as students, and what an award can do for you.
Berlin Premiere / 1. July 2013
SDBI Networks Talents and Industry
The cocktail reception with which the Stiftung der Deutschen Bekleidungsindustrie (German Fashion Industry Foundation) – SDBI launched its premiere in Berlin on the evening before the opening of the Berlin Fashion Week was extraordinary, high class and profound. More
Welcome Adress Minister of State Pieper / 1. July 2013
Creativity saves our future
Welcome Address by Cornelia Pieper, MdB, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office at the Reception On the Occasion of the Opening of Berlin Fashion Week (European Fashion Award FASH), July 1, 2013, Hotel Brandenburger Hof, Berlin More
European Fashion Award FASH 2014 / 21. May 2013
Music and dancing, excitement and relaxation, fast fashion and slow fashion are some of the many facets of the theme “Rhythm” of the European Fashion Award FASH 2014. The advisory board of the Stiftung der Deutschen Bekleidungsindustrie (German Fashion Industry Foundation) agreed to this rather broadly interpretable scope for the competition. More
European Fashion Award FASH 2013 / 3. February 2013
The Winners
The European Fashion Award FASH 2013 searched for the new fashion image for men – which in turn reveal new images for women too. The festive award ceremony was held during the trade show ISPO MUNICH 2013. More
SDBI Expands Workshops At ISPO MUNICH 2013 / 26. January 2013
Workshops: Career and Calculation
The SDBI workshops “Career and Calculation” have been a tradition since 2007. For the first time SDBI will also offer workshops on the topic of job application. Experienced designers discuss how they made their career and what they expect from application portfolio today. More
FASH 2008 / 29. January 2008
European Fashion Award – Fash 2008
New materials and cuts, secondhand and recycling, favorite pieces and new work processes – these are the ideas for solutions provided by the winning works of the European Fashion Award – FASH 2008. The prized awarded by the The Stiftung der Deutschen Bekleidungsindustrie (German Fashion Industry Foundation) – SDBI looked for fashion under the title “Attitude” in line with the needs of the environment and social issues this year.