Stiftung der Deutschen Bekleidungsindustrie zur Förderung der Ausbildung von Nachwuchskräften in der Modebranche (German Fashion Industry Foundation for the Promotion and Training of up-and-coming designers in the Fashion Industry), located in Munich.
No Fees
Participation in the award is free of charge. Catering will be provided on the award day.
The copyrights to the works remain with the participant at all times. For publications directly related to the competition (such as exhibitions, documentation, Internet, media work or other activities), the participant grants the organizer the publication rights free of charge with regard to space, time and content. This applies in particular to photos taken on behalf and for the account of SDBI and includes all media (including social media such as Instagram). The prizewinners also agree to the publication of photos of themselves. Excluded from this is commercial advertising.
Each participant is responsible for all questions concerning utility model, design, copyright or patent law. The participant must own the property rights and copyrights (all rights). Submissions that violate applicable law, in particular infringements of criminal law, copyrights, trademark, personal rights and other rights of third parties, may not be shown. The participant therefore assures that he/she has all rights to the submitted works and the corresponding drawings, that these are not limited and that the collection and the corresponding drawings are free of rights of third parties.
Archive of the Stiftung der Deutschen Bekleidungsindustrie
The portfolios of the prizewinners will be permanently included in the archive of the Stiftung der Deutschen Bekleidungsindustrie according to the jury’s decision. The decision of the jury is final and cannot be contested in a court of law.
Own media work
The awards “Finalist” and “Prizewinner” can be used without restriction in terms of space and time for personal communication. The participant undertakes to submit its own media activity connected with the European Fashion Award FASH 2020, in particular related media reports, documentation, press work and advertising to SDBI at for prior written approval and to distribute these only after approval has been given. For all activities connected with the European Fashion Award FASH, the participant undertakes to use the following names as follows:
– “European Fashion Award – FASH 2021”
– and for English-language publications: “Stiftung der Deutschen Bekleidungsindustrie (German Fashion Industry Foundation) – SDBI”. For texts, the abbreviation “SDBI” can be used after the first entry.
Participant Data Use, Privacy
By sending the entry form the participants grants SDBI the right to use and publish their names. Personal data of each participant is processed and stored digitally for use during the award. Any data collected during the competition will exclusively be used for new talent endorsement activities by SDBI.
The award and all related agreements are subject to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. By sending the entry form the participant confirms having read these conditions, and agrees to all terms and conditions, including the stipulations on data security and privacy, as well as usage rights.
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