Home Preisträger Jahre Danny Reinke

Danny Reinke

Danny Reinke

1st Prize
European Fashion Award – FASH 2014
Category Graduates

MÖN 10

The casual couture collection for men and women “MÖN 10” is dedicated to the traditional fishermen of Mönkebude at Stettiner Haff, Baltic Sea. Their lives are shaped by the rhythms of day and night as well as the seasons. They learned how to live with the unbridled force of nature. They perceive the unending “live and die” cycles of nature as a parable for the ups and downs of life, the ups and downs at the stock exchanges.
Danny Reinke conveys this rhythm, with the help of contrasts (such as athletic/ elegant, long/short, hard/soft), materials (such as knits, wool, fish skin, cotton and jersey) as well as colours in his show collection.
Highlights include a sail yarn sweater laboriously hand-knotted by fishermen as well as a coat made of an old lifejacket discovered in his grandfather’s attic. “MÖN 10” promotes sustainable coastal fisheries, caught with gillnets and weirs, instead of trawl nets as used by industrial fishing companies.


Jury Statement Each aspect of the project is exceptional and professional: the pieces and their great proportions, the playful accessories, the perfect tailoring, the well-thought-out documentation, the professional color card, the clever arguments, or the artistic sketches. Two pieces stand out in terms of quality and skill: a sweater, created by fishermen working for days on accurately knotting ropes together; and a coat created from old life vests found in his grandfather’s attic, impressive due to its proportions and humorous element. In addition to all that perfection the project is full of energy and humor. It also offers a lot of potential for a commercial streetwear collection, a convincing mixture of enjoying the work itself and professionalism.
The showpieces are no gags created just for the show. Their goal is to make us aware of the endangered future of traditional fishermen, who have unfortunately been lumped into the same category as industrial fisheries.
Danny Reinke is a serious, accomplished design and team player with impressive maturity. He has the power to provide the industry with important inspiration. This is even more commendable as Danny Reinke acquired these skills while studying to become both a custom tailor for women’s fashions as well as a state certified fashion designer. The jury unanimously decided to present the 1st prize of the European Fashion Award FASH 2014 in the category Graduate Projects to Danny Reinke, and wishes him best of luck and the ability to further expand and develop his potential. — Jury member Stephan Meyer, Creative Director, Harper’s Bazaar, Berlin

Education Fahmoda – Akademie für Mode und Design Hannover
Hannover / Academy for Fashion and Design Hanover
Olga Tonkha

Prize Photo shoot with Gregor Hohenberg, catalogue, fashion show, media relations
3,000 Euro prize money
Six-month funded internship at CLOSED in Hamburg

Contact danny_reinke@yahoo.de

Download www.sdbi.de/download/danny-reinke.zip

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