Carla Renée Loose

Carla Renée Loose

1st Prize
European Fashion Award – FASH 2020
Category Students

Es war alles Gegenwart, die Zukunft fand ausschließlich in Science Fiction statt

(It was all present, the future took place solely in science fiction)

In today’s society, the glorification of youth is all around us. It is a symbol of success and efficiency, dynamism and high performance. In a life filled with routine and self-control, we yearn to feel alive again and have a strong desire for youthful passion and emotionality and for living in the moment. And yet, rather than upholding this youthful curiosity and spirit, it is usually reduced to the superficial by the world of mass media and advertising. The inner striving for freedom and authenticity is suppressed by the desire for a security that does not exist; emotions are replaced by consumption. As a consequence, we increasingly move away from who we really are. We convince ourselves that it is better not to have regrets than to feel too much. A conversation around this contradiction barely takes place, culminating in in a lack of critical expression and protest. As a result, we experience conformity rather than enthusiasm, imitation rather than the genuine, laziness rather than originality – all of which are diametrically opposed to our incessant longing for youthful exuberance. If we maintain an unbiased youthful outlook, listen to our desire to savour the here and now and think, feel, and act intuitively, we can preserve our freedoms without losing sight of who we are and without relinquishing our powers of self-determination. We can acknowledge that current norms, ideals and conventions are not the only option, and we can start carving out new alternatives and shaping our future.

The womenswear collection “Es war alles Gegenwart, die Zukunft fand ausschließlich in Science Fiction statt” visualises youthful emotionality, impulsiveness, euphoria and contradiction. Contrasting colours, shapes and materials, volumes and depths, transparency and opulence characterise this collection of experimental textile and knitted designs.


Jury’s appraisal Carla Renée Loose has clear conceptual and creative strengths. Her profound, on-point, and cleverly articulated analysis of the glorification of youth is compelling and provides some important answers for society. This is also because her work is founded on her research of classical literature, which has become quite a rarity. In doing so, she has created a theoretical work that merits its own reward. Her artistic illustrations display her creative prowess in a modern guise. She takes hold of our roots and carries them into the present day, creating distinctive clothing that women like to wear; clothing that is coupled with a youthfulness embedded in the here and now.
Member of the jury Joachim Schirrmacher, Creative Consultant

Education Bachelor – HTW University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Prof. Anke Schlöder
Master – Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee / Prof. Patrick Rietz

Prize EUR 2,000

Contact / @carlarenee_

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